June 2017 Worldwide Newsletter

The next step of our vision is…

June Newsletter                                      
   because I said I would.

because I said I would:
Student Clubs
Right now is a very exciting and pivotal time for our chapter program. In two of our five chapter cities, we are hitting our one-year anniversary, and are incredibly proud of the impact they are all having in such a short period of time.
Our chapter members keep promises to help people in need and work to become better citizens through personal development in support of the because I said I would mission.
So far, our focus has been on starting local chapters for adults. Why start there? We believe this has positioned us to better support the establishment of youth clubs in middle schools, high schools and colleges in 2018. Students clubs often need a strong network of adults to act as role models, mentors and chaperones for volunteering in the community. Additionally, adult chapters can provide a link for students to possible fundraising opportunities. 
Over the next few months, our headquarter’s team is working diligently to make sure we have the right programming and support systems in place for our members and Chapter Leaders to properly position us to start new chapters.
We know that Promise Cards are not enough. We are focused on creating a structured and repeatable program that can help people in need across the United States. Long term, our vision is to develop a model that also allows us to open chapters internationally in the not-so-distant future. The because I said I would book will be released in 2018 and we believe it will support these hopes. 
If you’re interested in learning more about our chapter program, or supporting the growth of the program through donations, please check out our website for more information at http://becauseisaidiwould.com/chapters.
Best regards, 
Stevie Kolakowski
because I said I would.
Vice President of Chapters



Apply to Join our Board of Directors

Shape the future of because I said I would.
The Board of Directors support the work of because I said I would and provide mission-based leadership, expertise and fundraising support to growing the movement. Currently at 3 members, we are seeking to expand our board to 6 members. Because I said I would is seeking the addition of board volunteers with professional experience in the areas of marketing, law and finance.
For more information on expectations of board involvement 
or to submit your resume and letter of interest for consideration, please click here


Chapter Leadership Spotlight

Q&A with Columbus Chapter Unified Promise Leader: 



If you had to say, what is your most memorable moment as a because I said I would volunteer/member?
While picking up the bikes for the April Unified Promise at a store, I was stopped by a gentleman in a passing car who inquired to what I was doing with 9 bikes. We chatted for a few moments and he shared that he was in foster care in his youth and that no one did anything like this for him. He said it warmed his heart to see that someone cared. Seeing that what we do makes a difference outside of those directly 
gave me a new appreciation for what our group accomplishes.


Students in Minnesota Keeping Promises

A Minnesota school adopted the promise card and even reflected on how they are going to keep their promises. Promises include packaging 340 rescue bags for local emergency personnel and to never text and drive.
The Founder of
because I said I would visited Mound
Westonka High School on March
14th, 2017. After seeing the students tweet about their promise wall, we had to make a visit. An assembly speech was delivered live to over 900 students and staff and everyone received promise cards.


See more photos from this visit 

If you are interested in hosting an assembly at your schools or using our free character education resources, visit:





Join our Student Advisory Council

Are you a student who embraces the because I said I would mission?
We are looking for students going into grades 8 – 12 who are passionate about making a difference in their school and community and who would like to help shape the future of
because I said I would school chapters.





VIDEO: New TED talk from Co-Founder


Because I said I would Co-Founder, 
Amanda Messer, gives 
talk on How to Handle Broken Promises. We will all come to a moment when we break a promise, what will make the difference is what we do next…


Check out this
TED talk athttps://becauseisaidiwould.org/tedxtamu!



Supporting Babies Addicted to Heroin

The Opioid epidemic is no stranger to Cleveland, plastering itself across headlines and news stories for months. As fear lingers throughout the community surrounding this devastating problem,
because I said I would Cleveland brought hope.


On Saturday, May 6th, the Cleveland Chapter of
because I said I would teamed up to make fleece tie-blankets for babies born dependent on heroin and other
Opioids. Over 25 volunteers gathered in the classroom at Pat
Catan‘s in Westlake and spent their morning measuring, cutting fabric, tying knots, raising awareness, and pouring love into these blankets. Their enthusiasm and efforts resulted in fifty baby blankets, which were all donated and taken directly to
MetroHealth‘s Mother & Child Dependency Program.
This program offers pregnant women and their infants a welcoming,
nonjudgmental environment to deal with the medical and emotional problems caused by addiction to these drugs. The Mother & Child Dependency
Programsees over 150 women per year, and over 100 babies per year.


See the video and read the entire article: 




Career Opportunities

We are actively recruiting for three full-time positions located at our Cleveland, Ohio headquarters:
Join our unique team of individuals, including Dr. Trisha Hernandez (VP,
Charater Education, Amanda Messer (Co-Founder) and, Alex Sheen (Founder of
because I said I would) and many others.


We need a range of seasoned professionals and aspiring talent to fulfill our mission. If you are qualified for one of our positions and are good with your promises, we encourage you to apply today. We also encourage you to share the link below with your friends and family who might be looking for this type of career opportunity.